Ines Manteuffel
Somatic Therapist
Healing Is Possible
Transform Trauma and Pain
Integrative Mind-Body Therapies
Begin your healing Journey
In-person Boulder, CO & Online
303-746-4626 ( call or text)
My name is Ines Manteuffel and I am here to accompany you on your healing journey.
Toward your potential of well-being and joy and fulfillment. Whether you experience symptoms of trauma or anxiety or physical pain or the effects from a difficult childhood
Healing is Possible!
Through supporting the innate ability of your body to come into more balance and wholeness.
I integrate body-based trauma therapy and psychotherapy methods with hands-on bodywork for a true
body-mind-emotional approach.
The tools that I employ on this journey are based on the natural intelligence of your being, of your body, of your nervous system.
Your body knows how to heal. And the nervous system is key. It is the great conductor of all the systems in your body. Therefore, when you can affect the nervous system, deep and lasting change becomes possible. That is why for the over 25 years that I have worked with clients, I have focused on effective ways to regulate, stimulate and re-wire the nervous system.
Trauma often causes physical symptoms and emotional distress. Physical symptoms can cause emotional stress and might also be caused by unfelt emotions. Trauma and pain frequently overlap. Childhood experiences underlie and influence the whole picture.
So, we need to address all those different layers in order to truly make a difference. And it is different for each person. Certain layers are more dominant with some people and other layers for other people. I work with every client in a tailored approach unique to them, finding out their specific needs and which ways of working together serve them best.
During my over 25 years of private practice I have accumulated a number of powerful and very effective ways to work with trauma, stress, and pain.
The approaches that I draw from are:
Somatic (body-centered) Trauma Therapy - based on Somatic Experiencing
Somatic (body-centered) Psychotherapy - based on Hakomi Therapy and IFS ( Internal Family Systems)
BBTRS - Biodynamic Breathwork for releasing trauma
(Osteopathic Bodywork)
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
(Osteopathic Bodywork)
Polarity Therapy ( Energetic Bodywork)
Yoga - private sessions focusing on nervous system regulation

I Specialize In:
Shock trauma – from a specific event or events, like accidents, injuries, falls, assault, surgeries, natural disasters
Complex trauma/Childhood trauma – sustained from many events over a long period of time, often during childhood
Acute physical pain – from recent injuries, accidents, surgeries, overuse etc.
Chronic pain – ongoing pain from known or unknown causes
Head injuries
Chronic stress
Chronic illness such as chronic fatigue, mold sensitivity, chemical sensitivities, auto-immune conditions, IBS – since there is usually a dysregulated nervous system involved in these conditions.

I have spent the last 30 years in deep exploration of my own healing journey as well as studying and practicing a unique combination of healing modalities to share with my clients.
I bring to my work a deep passion for healing and personal growth and spiritual awareness. I hold your potential for transformation within a safe and supported space, to which I bring deep caring, non-judgment and immense compassion.
I have in-depth training in psychotherapeutic as well as bodywork approaches together with decades of spiritual practice that I combine to address your whole being. I have also been fiercely dedicated to my own healing journey, diving deep into working with my own trauma and wounding and exploring a vast array of healing modalities, personal growth practices and spiritual practices. I have a deep commitment to exploring the depths of human experience. And since I have gone deep into my own process, I am able to hold yours from a place of understanding and loving kindness.
I aim to meet my you where you are, without judgment and agenda. And to let your process unfold in the way that your own body-mind system guides, allowing the healing to come forth through your own innate intelligence that resides deep within you.
I am not what has happened to me.
I am what I choose to become.
- Carl Jung
Ways to work together
1:1 Sessions
Body-centered Trauma Therapy
Biodynamic Breathwork
Body-centered Psychotherapy
Nervous system Regulation
Hands-on Bodywork
Book a session for hands-on bodywork or body-centered trauma therapy or psychotherapy at my office in Boulder, CO. Read more about my sessions and common conditions I work with here.
1:1 Sessions
Body-centered Trauma Therapy ( Colorado )
Body-centered Psychotherapy ( Colorado )
Biodynamic Breathwork (worlwide)
Nervous System Regulation Coaching ( worldwide)
Work with me online in Colorado for somatic trauma therapy or somatic psychotherapy. Or anywhere in the world to explore Biodynamic Breathwork or get help with nervous system regulation to heal trauma. This can be an addition to my online program or as stand alone sessions. Read more about why nervous system regulation is so important here.
Online course
“Healing Trauma through the Body”
Learn body based tools for nervous system regulation
Sign up for my unique program “Healing Trauma through the Body” - a 3 month program based on cutting edge trauma research where I guide you step-by-step through powerful ways to regulate your nervous system to heal trauma. You will learn tools to use on your own to take healing into your own hands.
“And you?
When will you begin the long journey into yourself?'“
- Rumi
What Clients are saying:
“Ines Manteuffel is one of the best therapists I have ever worked with.
She’s kind and compassionate, has excellent touch, and great verbal skills. Her results in therapy are excellent. Ines’s skills include massage, craniosacral therapy, polarity therapy, trauma therapy and nervous system health and Ortho-bionomy. Ortho-bionomy is a very subtle and effective physical “medicine” for the joints, nervous system and muscles. And Ines is excellent at this healing art.
She’s greatly helped me with managing chronic joint pain and healing of my severely damaged rotator cuff and arthritic knee. She’s also helped me learn to regulate my nervous system.
I’ve worked with her for many years and really appreciate her presence and care for me and my long standing injuries. I enjoy her sense of humor and her warm heart. As a bodywork therapist myself of forty years I have referred many of my clients and friends to her caring presence. In so many ways she is an amazing and deep person and I hope you have the great fortune to receive her therapy. “

“I highly recommend the experience I have had and the professional work I experienced working with Ines Manteuffel. I came in to work on past trauma and in the process experienced body centered trauma therapy, cranial sacral, orthobionomy, and massage. Fully believing the “issues are in the tissues” I knew I needed to heal from the effects of the past in an embodied way. Through my sessions and work with Ines, I have come to find relief from the layers of the past being released.
What has also helped me to heal is who Ines is as a professional and how she is presents in her work. She listens and knows how to guide, is safe and caring and guides using her many talents and capabilities to meet the needs of what presents itself to be addressed in each session. I can honestly say I have found profound relief from the effects of my past and believe I am on the path to recovery and living a fuller life.” -Donna H

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