Zoom Sessions
Somatic Trauma Therapy, Somatic Psychotherapy, Biodynamic Breathwork, Nervous System Regulation Coaching
Online sessions over Zoom
Working over zoom has many advantages, such as not needing to leave your house and being able to work together if you are not local. Working over zoom can be just as powerful as working in person.
My main principles of working with all of my clients apply here just as in in-person sessions:
My intention during our sessions together is to meet you where you are at and find out what your unique body-mind system needs to come into greater balance. I will combine listening to your verbal story with listening to your body’s story to support your whole system to re-organize in the way it needs to. By creating a safe space of deep presence and listening to and honoring your body-mind system, it will be able to access deeper resources for healing.
We will still work in a very body-centered way which involves me guiding you to deeper levels of body-awareness and leading you through working with what arises through that.
In addition to guiding you through somatic processes, I provide somatic education and will give you tools and practices to apply in your daily life.
There are various options for online sessions:
Somatic (body-centered) Trauma Therapy - available in Colorado, USA
Body-centered trauma therapy and nervous system regulation work can easily be done online. Working through the body does not necessarily involve touch. For much of that work I guide you to notice particular sensations in your body and how to track and work with those, so that your body can discharge held tension resulting from trauma. I will also teach you a variety of body-based practice to do on your own to help regulate your nervous system. If you are dealing with complex PTSD or developmental trauma we might also work with childhood wounding and family dynamics.
Read more about trauma therapy here.
Somatic ( body-centered) Psychotherapy - available in Colorado, USA
A lot of body-centered psychotherapy involves me guiding you to come into contact with your inner experience and explore ways of working with that experience. I become your guide in your self-exploration. This exploration can be done very effectively over zoom.
Read more about body-centered psychotherapy here.
Biodynamic Breathwork for Trauma Release - available worldwide
Guiding this form of breathwork that is specifically formulated to work with trauma is very effective over zoom. In this way you can be in the safety of your own home, do not need to travel and do not need to be local to Colorado or even the US.
Read more about Biodynamic Breathwork here.
Nervous system regulation coaching - available worldwide
Nervous system regulation is at the heart of trauma therapy. And yet, therapy has a wider application than coaching. We might look at what has happened in your past, including your childhood. We might work with developmental issues as well as relational dynamics in your family. Our goal is to help your system process any trauma or developmental wounding.
With coaching we focus more on what you can do in your present life to manage any trauma symptoms and feel better and function better. We can explore how trauma is stored in your body and work with helping it to discharge. I will also teach you ways you can work with your symptoms yourself. Coaching is focused more on practical tools to work with your symptoms, rather than going into your past in depth or working with childhood issues. Of course, some of that often plays a role and we will take that into consideration, and yet that will not be our focus in our sessions. Nervous system regulation coaching has a narrower framework than trauma therapy.
Read more about nervous system regulation here.