Osteopathic Bodywork for Pain Relief
Treating - Back pain, neck pain, joint pain and more
Modern medicine, for all its advances, knows less than 10 percent of what your body knows instinctively.
— Deepak Chopra
Ortho-Bionomy® is an incredibly effective, yet gentle way to work with :
structural alignment
relieving acute and chronic pain and tension patterns
relieving restrictions from injuries and surgeries
working with sports injuries
healing trauma to the body
Ortho-Bionomy® has its roots in Osteopathy and is based on the body’s own inherent ability to correct and heal. Through gentle, yet very precise, positioning, neurological reflexes are accessed that cause the body to self-correct. Tension patterns are disrupted and released and the structure of the body can re-organize. The body can find more balance and most often pain is relieved and movement is restored.
Benefits of Ortho-Bionomy®
helps to break the pain cycle
can relieve pain and discomfort
helps with recovery from injuries, accidents, and surgeries
can reduce muscle tension, optimize structural alignment and increase the range of motion
helps to improve circulation and promotes relaxation
Symptoms that can be addressed include:
low back pain
neck pain
upper back pain
joint pain and restricted motion
whiplash and head injuries
rotator cuff injuries
Rheumatoid and osteoarthritis
broken bones
sports injuries
tennis elbow/tendonitis
sprained ankles and wrists
foot pain/plantar fasciitis/bunions
carpal tunnel syndrome
thoracic outlet syndrome
frozen shoulder
issues after surgeries/scar tissue/restricted movement
” I booked my first appointment with Ines as a result of the article published in the
Daily Camera and I was not disappointed. As someone who has had intermittent but long term low back pain, I was looking for something other than chiropractic or massage work.
Her approach was gentle and surprising to me was how little movement she used when “opening up” a muscle or a joint. I found myself wondering how something so easy and gentle could have such a profound effect.After receiving Ortho-Bionomy from Ines for about a year, I feel I am in a new phase where my old baseline has been set aside in favor of a different, better one.
A past pattern was injury, rehab and maintenance in my lower back. A different set point has arrived and allowed a shortened cycle to become the new norm with my body finding its way out of the limiting patterns much quicker and my pain being greatly reduced.
I give the highest of praise for Ines’ work and strongly feel that her pursuit of numerous healing modalities gives her a unique knowledge base to draw on in her work.”
-Gratefully, Doug K
My own experience of the power of Ortho-Bionomy®:
I found my way to this work through the profound effect it had on my own body. I have been dealing with chronic low back pain since my son was born over 20 years ago. During that time I have had phases where I was not able to stand up and was almost non-functional for several weeks at a time. I have also had phases of minor pain but would always need to be careful about which activities I was able to do. Then, about 10 years ago, I received my first session of Ortho-Bionomy. After that one session, I was pain-free for the first time in years. It literally felt like a miracle to me.
I have received lots and lots of bodywork of different kinds in my almost 20 years as a bodyworker. I had never before received any work that made that much difference in one session in terms of physical pain. I did not completely stay pain-free; my pain level still goes up and down. Since that session, though, it has not even come close to the level of pain I experienced on a regular basis before. And when my back does flare up a bit, it tends to resolve much, much faster. I know what to do now and can apply Ortho-Bionomy to myself. I also continue to receive sessions and other major physical issues in my body have shifted. Because of the extent of change, I have experienced in myself and the lasting effect of it I have immense trust in this work.
More about how Ortho-Bionomy® works:
The term Ortho-Bionomy can be translated as:” The correct application of the laws of life”.
The originator of Ortho-Bionomy, Arthur Pauls, DO, talked about self-corrective reflexes in the body. That means that the body has an innate ability to heal and correct itself. Just like our skin knows how to heal a wound and our bones know how to grow back together, our whole body knows how to organize its structure and find balance through the nervous system.
Sometimes, though, the body’s ability to stay in balance is compromised by stress, injuries, accidents, surgeries, improper posture, emotional experience or just overload. When the body is out of balance it adapts as best as it can, but in the process might develop patterns of stress that add to the imbalance. Ortho-Bionomy works to re-educate dysfunctional patterns and restore balance and normal functioning.
As an Osteopath, Arthur Pauls understood that the natural range of motion in a joint requires balance in the opposing muscles that move that joint. Muscles on one side of the joint lengthen, while muscles on the other side shorten. Sometimes, after an injury, one muscle group becomes over-shortened and cannot respond to the internal signals from the nervous system trying to achieve balance. Then the opposing muscles remain chronically overstretched and this imbalance becomes a habitual pattern. Range of motion and comfort is compromised.
Often, in an attempt to avoid pain, the body contracts even further and includes surrounding muscles to prevent movement, so the holding is reinforced. Immobilization may solve the pain problem at the moment, but it also sets up compensatory patterns and holding patterns that become more and more limiting.
Arthur Pauls realized that if you remind the body of what it is doing – if you slightly overstretch the overstretched muscle and slightly shorten the constricted muscle, then the body gets to recognize what it’s doing and the habit of the patterns gets disrupted and often the body will move toward self-correction.
Part of the self-recognition comes from the muscle signals of being stretched and shortened and part comes from the proprioceptors in the nervous system. Proprioceptive nerves inform the body about its position and regulate positioning and movement. In this way, Ortho-Bionomy can affect profound change by helping the nervous system re-organize and affect the physical structure of the body.
What does an Ortho-Bionomy® session look like?
You will mostly be lying on a bodywork table, fully clothed, and I use gentle positioning and movement of your body to work with specific symptoms. We might also practice some movements sitting or standing and I might give you exercises to do at home.
“A little over a year ago Ines was recommended to me by someone that is herself a body worker. On this tip I decided to give her a try. I injured my neck over 25 years ago and had never been the same; suffering with a low grade headache most of the time. For the last few years it had become much more intense and was debilitating at times. I had tried chiropractic, rolfing, and various massage practitioners in an effort to get relief. I performed a daily stretching routine to keep it at bay and found an acupuncturist that could provide temporary relief but it continued to get worse.
When I found my way to Ines I had never heard of Ortho-bionomy and did not know what to expect. At this point the headache was constant and at the front of my consciousness all the time. A good night’s sleep was rare. I had grown used to holding it off to get through my days but didn’t know how much the effort was taking until after the first time Ines worked on me. I slept soundly and awoke with no headache! It took a couple of days for it to come back but by then I realized that it was possible to get rid of it.
Over the next couple months I had Ines work on me weekly. Then a few bi-weekly sessions and I forgot the headache. Also got relief from low back soreness. I’d had an odd numbness in shoulder that went away.
After nearly a year I went back for a tune up session as the headache was creeping back and experienced instant relief.
I suffered for years from an injury that now is a minor factor. Do yourself a favor and give this a try – I hope it helps you as much as it helped me.”
- Ron B.
Article in the Daily Camera in 2016:
Boulder workout: Ortho-Bionomy
Aimee Heckel / Writer
Cliff Grassmick / Staff Photographer
Ines Manteuffel works with Matt Goodhart during an Ortho-Bionomy session at Renewal Healing Arts. Ortho-Bionomy is a gentle, non-invasive, osteopathically-based form of body therapy for chronic stress, injuries, and pains or problems associated with postural and structural imbalances.
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For more information on Ortho-Bionomy® here are links to some articles and videos:
View video of Gary Lee Williams with Carol Alt
Introduction to Ortho-Bionomy video
The Development of Ortho-Bionomy by Louann Overmeyer
Massage Magazine Article by Luanne Overmyer (2008)
Ortho-Bionomy® is a registered trademark of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International, Inc, and is used with permission.