In-person Sessions in Boulder, CO
Effective Therapies for Trauma and Pain Relief
Somatic Trauma Therapy
Somatic Psychotherapy
Biodynamic Breathwork
Ortho-Bionomy, Craniosacral
My intention during our sessions together is to meet you where you are and find out what your unique body-mind system needs to come into greater balance. I will combine listening to your verbal story with listening to your body’s story to support your whole system to re-organize in the way it needs to. By creating a safe space of deep presence and listening to and honoring your body-mind system, you will be able to access deeper resources for healing.
In addition to guiding you through somatic processes and using hands-on work to help your body to re-organize, I provide somatic education and will give you tools and practices to apply in your daily life.
During in-person sessions I utilize the different tools I have to best meet the needs of each client. I often work several different avenues to support the healing process. I will commonly combine some talking with body-centered work sitting up and also work on the table.
Our emphasis might be on be on somatic trauma therapy, biodynamic breathwork, body-centered psychotherapy or osteopathic bodywork for pain relief - or a combination of those.
I am so grateful to have found Ines. I have experienced surprising relief from ongoing physical pain that has been persistent for many years. Over time the absence of pain lasts longer as new patterns get more established .
Aside from the physical blessings of getting treatments with her, I also notice quite powerful shifts energetically. It is as if every session becomes an embodied experiential learning as well as a healing.
My awareness of how life experiences and traumas live in my body has deepened and I am now relating more to my body as a vehicle to heal these wounds as well.
I very much experience the therapeutic aspects of her work on all these levels—energetic, psychological, and emotional, as well as physical.
If any of this resonates with you, I highly recommend Ines as a very skilled, sensitive and aware healer.
Karla Refoxo, Jamestown
Here is how we might work, depending on your intention:
symptoms of trauma
such as anxiety, panic, hypervigilance, insomnia or feeling frozen, dissociation or depression - we would use body-centered trauma therapy or biodynamic breathwork primarily and focus on nervous system regulation. We might work sitting up or lying down on the table. I might incorporate some soothing or exploratory touch, always with your consent. Sometimes other developmental or emotional issues arise and we might employ tools from body-centered psychotherapy. Craniosacral therapy can help to explore deeper into the body and also to help the body to re-organize. If there is pain in the body we might also use some Ortho-Bionomy to help the body come out of misalignment and tension patterns and also support re-organization.
Read more here about why nervous system regulation is so important.
emotional or psychological issues
from childhood wounding or other causes we would use primarily body-centered psychotherapy techniques. Biodynamic breathwork can also be immensely helpful in this area. Body-centered work allows us to bypass the rational mind to some extent and to work with deeper layers of the unconscious which often manifest in the body. In that way we can help your body to re-organize, find its way out of old patterns and find new options. This will automatically influence your mind, shifting habitual thought patterns and belief systems, since mind and body are linked. This way of working is not as much focused on the story as some other therapy methods but more on working with what presents in the body in the here and now, which is our past as it is stored in our body. Although I do honor the story as well and might spend time talking about it, it is not as much of an emphasis.
We might work sitting up or lying down on the table or exploring some movement work. I might use some touch to support the process. Sometimes traumatic material comes to the surface and I might use body-centered trauma therapy as well.
stress relief
we would work with nervous system regulation, and we would also look into deeper layers of what might be causing the stress reaction. Is there trauma underlying it or emotional/psychological issues? When we approach life from limiting patterns it can create more stress than the situation warrants. Then we can address those issues to get to the root of what is causing the stress.
pain in the body -
such as back pain, neck pain, joint pain etc. I primarily use Ortho-Bionomy since it is highly effective in relieving pain by allowing the body to find better alignment and come out of tension patterns from the inside. I will often integrate Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy as well. If the pain is due to past accidents or injuries we might also utilize some trauma-therapy to help the body process the traumatic impact. Or we might explore some unexpressed emotions or psychological issues which can contribute to physical manifestation of pain.
Biodynamic Breathwork can also be very helpful in releasing deeply held tension and sources of pain from the body.
Some clients only come for Ortho-Bionomy and some clients choose to look at underlying issues from a trauma or psychological perspective.
chronic illness -
such as chronic fatigue, chronic Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, mold sensitivity, chemical sensitivity, auto-immune issues or IBS. We will mostly work with nervous system regulation. There might be nervous system dysregulation distributing to the illness and also having a chronic illness in itself is traumatic and often leads to dysregulation. We might also work with emotional/psychological issues involved.
head injuries -
I mostly use Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy which can be immensely helpful in healing the brain. Ortho-Bionomy might also be helpful to work with any involvement of the neck or spine. We might also use some trauma therapy if indicated.
recovery from car accidents
There often are multiple levels of impact from a car accident. There might be physical injuries, such as whiplash, head injury, spinal injuries or others. And then there is the shock/traumatic impact on the nervous system, which produces its own symptoms and will often exacerbate any symptoms from physical injuries. There could also be unresolved emotions, such as guilt or hurting someone else or for not protecting others.
Therefore I usually address different levels through my work, depending on what is needed. We might work with gentle massage and Ortho-Bionomy to resolve the physical injuries. And we will usually also work with trauma therapy to help the nervous system process what happened and to process any unresolved emotions ( read here why nervous system regulation is so important).