I highly recommend the experience I have had and the professional work I experienced working with Ines Manteuffel. I came in to work on past trauma and in the process experienced body centered trauma therapy, cranial sacral, orthobionomy, and massage. Fully believing the “issues are in the tissues” I knew I needed to heal from the effects of the past in an embodied way. Through my sessions and work with Ines, I have come to find relief from the layers of the past being released.
What has also helped me to heal is who Ines is as a professional and how she is presents in her work. She listens and knows how to guide, is safe and caring and guides using her many talents and capabilities to meet the needs of what presents itself to be addressed in each session. I can honestly say I have found profound relief from the effects of my past and believe I am on the path to recovery and living a fuller life.-Donna H
Body-Centered Psychotherapy
"I have done years of therapy, but through working with Ines I have been able to safely explore and experience emotions I had not given any consideration before. While I was able to understand what happened during my childhood, I’ve discovered I did not truly understand the role the other family members played throughout my development from toddler to teen. Through Ines’s encouragement and guidance to explore and experience complex emotions, I realizing I was stuck in my own survival mode of emotions. I got a whole new perspective of my live within my household from childhood on through my current stage of life. I have much more awareness now, of the dynamics in my family and the role I played and of the patterns I have continued relying on even though I no longer needed them. Ines helped me layout and actually look at where I am currently and how I got here. I feel more enlightened about myself now and believe in my own capability to handle challenging situations now. I highly recommend working with Ines. You will not regret a moment of it. “
“Last spring I experienced severe low back pain for the first time in my life, where I could not sleep, I could not sit or work. I went to see Ines for Ortho-Bionomy sessions to find relief. I was expecting that fire must be fought with fire – that only deep pressure would make a difference to pain this intense. When Ines started to work with subtle movements I thought I got roped into some Boulder BS, that this surely wouldn’t effect any change. To my surprise I found that after 2 sessions my back pain was completely gone and has not returned and it has been several months now. I am so grateful that I can now do all of my normal activities again without pain!”
– Ernie Villany“A little over a year ago Ines was recommended to me by someone that is herself a body worker. On this tip I decided to give her a try. I injured my neck over 25 years ago and had never been the same; suffering with a low grade headache most of the time. For the last few years it had become much more intense and was debilitating at times. I had tried chiropractic, rolfing, and various massage practitioners in an effort to get relief. I performed a daily stretching routine to keep it at bay and found an acupuncturist that could provide temporary relief but it continued to get worse.
When I found my way to Ines I had never heard of Ortho-bionomy and did not know what to expect. At this point the headache was constant and at the front of my consciousness all the time. A good night’s sleep was rare. I had grown used to holding it off to get through my days but didn’t know how much the effort was taking until after the first time Ines worked on me. I slept soundly and awoke with no headache! It took a couple of days for it to come back but by then I realized that it was possible to get rid of it.
Over the next couple months I had Ines work on me weekly. Then a few bi-weekly sessions and I forgot the headache. Also got relief from low back soreness. I’d had an odd numbness in shoulder that went away.
After nearly a year I went back for a tune up session as the headache was creeping back and experienced instant relief.
I suffered for years from an injury that now is a minor factor. Do yourself a favor and give this a try – I hope it helps you as much as it helped me.”
– Ron B.“In one session, Ines performed a miracle on my aching neck. My neck had been feeling very painful for months and I couldn’t find relief. I’m new to Ortho-Bionomy, but am impressed on how such a gentle treatment can have such a big effect. I have signed up for more sessions with Ines, and am grateful for her caring support and her gifted skills and techniques.”
– Terry S.” I booked my first appointment with Ines as a result of the article published in the
Daily Camera and I was not disappointed. As someone who has had intermittent but long term low back pain, I was looking for something other than chiropractic or massage work.
Her approach was gentle and surprising to me was how little movement she used when “opening up” a muscle or a joint. I found myself wondering how something so easy and gentle could have such a profound effect.After receiving Ortho-Bionomy from Ines for about a year, I feel I am in a new phase where my old baseline has been set aside in favor of a different, better one.
A past pattern was injury, rehab and maintenance in my lower back. A different set point has arrived and allowed a shortened cycle to become the new norm with my body finding its way out of the limiting patterns much quicker and my pain being greatly reduced.
I give the highest of praise for Ines’ work and strongly feel that her pursuit of numerous healing modalities gives her a unique knowledge base to draw on in her work.”
-Gratefully, Doug K
“I was really pleased with the results of my 5-month old daughter having six sessions with Ines. Before we came in, my daughter, Cailyn, held her head to the right side much more often than the left and seemed to have a sensitive spot at the back of her head. At times she had a hard time calming down or going to sleep. After Ines helped to release some tension, we noticed her movements were much more symmetrical, the extra sensitivity at the back of her head was gone and there was a dramatic difference in her demeanor. Cailyn has been able to fall asleep more calmly and she is overall much more content and peaceful. A number of family and friends have commented that Cailyn seems like such a happy baby and I believe that is at least partially due to her increased comfort from her time with Ines.”
– Megan M.“Before we started working with Ines, my son was experiencing some pronounced anxiety, hyperactivity, inability to follow classroom expectations and sensory processing challenges. Through cranio sacral therapy, Ines was able to significantly help reduce my son’s challenging behaviors. He was noticeably calmer, better focused and less anxious in the days following a session with Ines. We even saw improvements in his fine motor skills and a significant decrease in his emotional meltdowns.
Our younger son, age 2 ½ never slept longer than 2 hours at a time until he was 22 months old. Since then he has slept for longer stretches, but still would wake frequently at night. We have been taking him to see Ines for the past month and are happy to finally experience a good night’s sleep! Happily he is now sleeping through the night or only waking once and quickly falling right back to sleep on his own.
Ines, thank you for all you have done for our family. The community of Boulder is lucky to have you!”
– Lisa S., LCSW
Car accident recovery
“I got into a car accident in which I suffered impact from significant whiplash. I worked extensively with both a neuromuscular massage therapist and a chiropractor. After one year of care, I noticed that I had sustained injury. This is when I began to work with Ines. I specifically sought out working with Ines because of her combined expertise in massage, craniosacral therapy, and trauma re-negotiation. I knew that the combination of these three modalities, given from an expert practitioner, could transform and liberate what had become a pattern of sustained injury in my body. After 6 sessions, I am happy to report that the severity of my sustained injury has been significantly reduced. I look forward to continued care with full confidence that this injury can be 100% relieved. Ines is both a highly sensitive and technically skilled practitioner. This combination has worked wonders for my body. Thank you Ines!”
– Blythe M.
Combined Therapies
“I started seeing Ines for massage therapy, but quickly found that she offers much, much more. I’ve continued working with her during a time of stressful life changes because her unique ability to combine massage with other powerful therapeutic techniques provides such a deeply nourishing experience. Ines is a healer with remarkable skill, insight and genuine warmth… her approach is empowering! This work integrates support for mind, body and spirit… helps me connect to my inner strengths… tap into my inner resources… find inner balance and practice carrying it with me.”
– Mary K.“I am a creative and ambitious person with a tendency to work too hard, fill my calendar with too much, and drink way too much coffee to get through it all. Overall I have a healthy lifestyle, but my stressful (and fun) lifestyle is hard on my nervous system. When I saw Ines, I was looking for an enjoyable massage that might relax some knots I carry in my calves and shoulders. What I received was far more than I could have imagined. I received the enjoyable massage for sure, but Ines also introduced me to Cranial Sacral Therapy alongside the massage. In the session, my body relaxed into one of the deepest states I’ve ever experienced. I felt rested at the level of my soul, and it was abundantly clear that Ines’ healing gift could literally change my life by rewiring my nervous system to do the things I love from a place of calm presence rather than frazzled excitement. I cannot thank her enough. Please do yourself a favor and transform your life with Ines.”
– Myka M.“I went to see Ines for help treating migraines and anxiety. After only a few sessions, I have been migraine-free for 45 days, and my anxiety has decreased tremendously! I have tried many different medications and have seen many doctors, but going to Ines was the best decision I could have made!!”
– Cade WilliamsI began seeing Ines in 1995 at Standley Lake Massage Therapy in Arvada, when I was pregnant with my daughter Gabriela (Abby). Pregnancy was not easy on me as I had excruciating sciatica (L5-S1 Lumbosacral Joint). I just simply could not get away from the excruciating pain that ranged from a lightning bolt down my leg to severe widespread pain throughout my piriformis and hip area. Of course, being pregnant, I refused to take any form of pain relief, including over the counter pain relief. The only relief I was able to gain was from Ines’s massage therapy and her willingness to work collaboratively with my chiropractor at the time, Dr. Randall Nelson, Standley Lake Chiropractic Health Center. Insurance covered very little, if any, of my comprehensive treatment care, but I received such incredible relief that it became absolutely essential to my total health and wellbeing. I was very close to complete bedrest, as there was a point when I had to crawl to get to the bathroom. I saw Ines every one to two weeks in order to get the essential relief Gabriela and I needed for me to remain as healthy as possible, continue working full time, and caring for a husband that had a herniated disc.
I have loyally followed Ines, everywhere she took her practice, ever since. Ines has helped me not only survive, but thrive through a traumatic car accident, a pinched nerve in the C3 area (collaborative care with Dr. Michael Curiel, Fort Collins Neurology; Dr. Amber Thompson, Well Spine Family Chiropractic; Kim Raupp, CU Sports Medicine and Performance Center; and Dr. Sharad Rajpal, Boulder Neurosurgical & Spine Associates), and most recently an impingement issue with my shoulder (collaborative care with Brian Forman, CU Sports Medicine and Performance Center), all separate events. And in between these injuries, I work with Ines regularly to integrate total mind, body, and spirit health: total health and wellness.
I have been blessed and able to enjoy a quality of life and level of physical fitness that quite frankly wouldn’t have been possible without Ines. Ines’s hands are healing and magical. She has an incredible ability to stay both grounded within herself and connected to you during her work. Her sensory intuition is unrivaled and beyond comparison. She “listens” to you using all of her senses, and artfully responds with healing tactile pressure and grace. Clearly Ines’s work is in a class of its own.
With warmth and gratitude,
Chris Lorenzo
Massage therapy, Ines in particular, was recommended to me by a loved one to treat my anxiety and mild depression. I was also uncomfortable with my body and to touch. This seemed like an non-conventional approach and it was worth a try.
I am in awe over how much it has helped. Give it consideration if you have any of my symptoms. Consult your doctor, they will probably agree!
On my initial visit Ines was sensitive to my needs and took it slow. She has a great mix of skills, like a sample platter, try them all. Her hand massage and guided meditation are sublime. I appreciate her so much for taking the time to communicate, listening, to find what works best. Our appointments are something to look forward to. Stress, neck pain, she has helped. As a bonus, it feels great. If you are still considering and have any reservations I highly recommend you give it a go, I’m glad I did.
-Joel Pennington
“Ines Manteuffel is one of the best therapists I have ever worked with.
She’s kind and compassionate, has excellent touch, and great verbal skills. Her results in therapy are excellent. Ines’s skills include massage, craniosacral therapy, polarity therapy, trauma therapy and nervous system health and Ortho-bionomy. Ortho-bionomy is a very subtle and effective physical “medicine” for the joints, nervous system and muscles. And Ines is excellent at this healing art.
She’s greatly helped me with managing chronic joint pain and healing of my severely damaged rotator cuff and arthritic knee. She’s also helped me learn to regulate my nervous system.
I’ve worked with her for many years and really appreciate her presence and care for me and my long standing injuries. I enjoy her sense of humor and her warm heart. As a bodywork therapist myself of forty years I have referred many of my clients and friends to her caring presence. In so many ways she is an amazing and deep person and I hope you have the great fortune to receive her therapy. “-JMG
I am so grateful to have found Ines. I have experienced surprising relief from ongoing physical pain that has been persistent for many years. Over time the absence of pain lasts longer as new patterns get more established .
Aside from the physical blessings of getting treatments with her, I also notice quite powerful shifts energetically. It is as if every session becomes an embodied experiential learning as well as a healing.
My awareness of how life experiences and traumas live in my body has deepened and I am now relating more to my body as a vehicle to heal these wounds as well.
I very much experience the therapeutic aspects of her work on all these levels—energetic, psychological, and emotional, as well as physical.
If any of this resonates with you, I highly recommend Ines as a very skilled, sensitive and aware healer.
Karla Refoxo, JamestownInes is a miracle worker! I’ve been going to see her ever since a car accident had me in severe neck and shoulder pain, and she had come highly recommended by my chiropractor. Once I healed from that, I’ve continued to see her whenever I had other injuries pop up. She was the only one who was able to provide any relief after a recent neck injury—after one appointment with her, my severe pain was greatly reduced and then completely gone within a few days (and this was after I had tried a chiropractor, physical therapist and acupuncturist without any relief). I most recently had a Hakomi session with her. I tend to yell or get angry at my kids as a knee-jerk reaction when I get triggered. Ines helped me get to the root of that reaction so I’m not so easily triggered and can be the type of mom I want to be.
- Laura N.