About Me
Passion and Philsophy
As long as I can remember I have been attracted to finding out what life is really about. Even as a child I had this sense that there must be more to life than what I was seeing around me.
That interest and curiosity took me on a several year long journey around the world after high school. Ultimately that same curiosity brought me to the healing arts.
I feel passionate about helping people like you heal and discover more possibility. That might mean getting out of pain, so you get to enjoy life again. It could also mean letting of of a limiting pattern in your body, emotions and mind, so that you get to be more fully yourself and live your life from there.
I also feel passionate about engaging the healing process through the body. Whether you are dealing with physical pain, trauma, emotional issues or limiting beliefs, working directly through your body is one of the most powerful ways to achieve change.
I have spent the last 30 years studying a variety of body centered healing modalities in depth. I wanted to have many powerful tools available in order to affect change in my clients, not just one.
What ties all of those modalities together is the understanding and honoring of the body’s incredible intelligence. That intelligence is what created us in the first place . What tells a baby how to grow in the womb? It is not the thinking process of the mother! The baby’s body is guided by something else, that knows how to grow into the very complex system of a human.
Built into that complex system is our innate capacity for healing. When we cut our skin, our body itself knows how to repair that cut. In the same way our body has the capacity to correct our structure from the inside out, to find more balance out of unbalanced patterns and to find balance in the nervous system after trauma.
Even though we have that innate ability, sometimes our bodies get overwhelmed when dealing with the challenges of life. Injuries, surgeries, trauma, stress and childhood wounding can be too much to deal with on our own. Sometimes we need some support.
My role is to support you in accessing your bodies own healing abilities, because those are the most powerful ones there are. I work with you and with your body to facilitate healing and change. So that you can find more possibility again.
A little bit of my personal story
I grew up in Berlin, Germany, and after graduating high school I decided to take a break to travel a bit before starting University. That travel time turned into several years, because I intuited that what I was doing was actually teaching me about life more profoundly than any class ever could.
Through various circumstances and roundabout ways, I found my new home in Boulder over 30 years ago when I moved here to go to massage school. That was the beginning of my inner travel, my internal exploration, which has been a great journey ever since. Massage school was only the beginning step into my studies of the healing arts which has continued with many trainings and teachers until today (read more under: Training & Experience). Through receiving tremendous gifts and guidance from exceptional teachers, I have been on the path of growth and expansion in myself and facilitating healing for my dear clients.
Over 20 years ago I had the great fortune to give birth to my son, who has been truly one of my greatest teachers and inspirations.
When I am not working with my clients I love to do yoga, meditate and dance and spend time in nature, spend time with family, and the wonderful friends I am lucky to be connected with.